Sunday, July 10, 2011

Construction Update

Construction on the greenhouse is coming along. In the meantime, we are getting ready for its completion with plantings now! Then we can move what we have grown into the greenhouse.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Our New Name - "It's All Green!"

OK, I've been thinking...scary, huh? We started this whole thing out as a recycling project at our school and my students did a fantastic job with our humble beginnings, but now we are constructing a greenhouse, vermi-composting (yes, that is worms), planting seedlings, teaching floriculture and getting ready to re-introduce RECYCLING in the fall to our new students.

*Groundbreaking for our greenhouse*

We came a long way this past school year and everything we have accomplished centers around a "green movement" in our communities. I say communities because my students come from all over the South Valley area and can make a positive "green" contribution in their respective home community.

So, to recognize the growth we have experienced, I changed our blog name just a bit. Maybe it will work, maybe when the students come back in the fall, they will come up with something better, but for now, I like it. Do you?