Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Getting The Word Out!

Tonight, four of my students gave a recycling presentation at the Spanish Fork City Council Meeting. They went over who we are, what we are doing, how we are doing it, and how the city can support us. They did a fantastic job! The presenters are Mykenna Craine, Becca Noland, Kayla Pace and Dillon Snow.

The city council and Mayor Wayne Andersen were impressed with our efforts and are allowing us to display some of our Assemblage Art projects at city facilities.

We were also approached by two media agencies who want to help us tell our story!

I want to tell ALL of my students that I am so proud of them and all of the work they have put into this project. You are all incredible! You have led out this recycling charge and started something big - you are Dragons! Thank you so much!

 Mykenna practices her piece.

 Becca worries about what she just got herself into with this presentation.

 Dillon is our pro - not nervous at all!

 Kayla practices greeting the mayor!


  1. I am so proud of you guys! I will make sure to come to the school board meeting to hear your presentation.

  2. Way to go Dragons! This is awesome.
    I started a recycling program when I attended Landmark in 1998, in the old building. It's really cool to see you students making positive things happen and using your voice in your community.

  3. You guys did a great job on the presentation tonight. I am proud to be a part of what you are doing! Joe
