Monday, May 16, 2011

Winding Down

Winding down the school year this week. We are working on obtaining a recycling dumpster for school. 
This was in the garbage - ugh! This can go in the paper recycling!

We have a paper recycling dumpster that ANYONE can donate to behind our school.

Here is what we can accept in the paper dumpster.
 Help us raise money by donating. Thank you.


  1. I recycle almost ALL the paper at my house, and I try to at school. Glad to see this!

  2. I try and Recycle all the paper and cardboard that I get at home. I also try and recycle all the paper that I use at school to.

  3. I recycle at home and at school...I have tried to "teach paperless", but it's a daunting challenge. Check out this blog about teaching paperless, it has some good things.
