Monday, May 16, 2011

Winding Down

Winding down the school year this week. We are working on obtaining a recycling dumpster for school. 
This was in the garbage - ugh! This can go in the paper recycling!

We have a paper recycling dumpster that ANYONE can donate to behind our school.

Here is what we can accept in the paper dumpster.
 Help us raise money by donating. Thank you.


  1. I recycle almost ALL the paper at my house, and I try to at school. Glad to see this!

  2. What?!!! I thought I put those in the recycling dumpster. :( Sorry. We all have some things to learn about how to contribute to the recycling project. Thank you all for your hard work. Dragons leading the way!

  3. I try and Recycle all the paper and cardboard that I get at home. I also try and recycle all the paper that I use at school to.

  4. I recycle at home and at school...I have tried to "teach paperless", but it's a daunting challenge. Check out this blog about teaching paperless, it has some good things.

  5. Nice job Landmark High School. We need to show the world that we can make a difference. It starts with an individual who cares, from there it builds to groups that care. Keep up the great work and always remember WE ARE THE WORLD, what we do, does make a Difference.
